Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Hello fellow Blaster,

Today is Tuesday July 8th, 2014 and after the long holiday weekend it is hard getting back into the groove of the weekly goings on. I hope that all of you had a great time and enjoyed your holiday. There was plenty to be thankful for on the Independence day. And the booms of fireworks just added to the excitement.

Social Media Blaster is still searching for sponsor companies to Align with to bring an older everyday generation into the gaming community. I think there is a Niche of older generation just dabbling with gaming that could be a great source of income given the fact they just need the information given to them.

I had gotten out of gaming for a while due to having a family, working, and making a living. I believe that family comes first and the way that the technology has evolved everyone has some type of gaming device in their hands all the time. After doing some research of people in my age group they have spare time and they love to Build, & Tinker with things so with proper information there is the potential of another Gamer born again like myself. Even if they are not hard core gamers they like the equipment to build, buy, and tinker with. So as you can see my niche of this generation the income is unlimited. This is where I come in, Social Media Blaster I need products to review and post video's and listing and blast about it to them in a way the generation can understand.

I am looking for companies that we can build a relationship with for a win win situation all the way around. You send me products and I build you income it's that simple. As we grow our relationship I am sure that it will grow and become  a great success. Please contact me today.


Email: Social Media Blaster

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